TZD Enforcement Grant Program
The TZD Enforcement Grant Program provides federal funds to law enforcement agencies to conduct enhanced traffic enforcement.
- See the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety for more on this program.
Enforcement Mobilizations
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety's Office of Traffic Safety conducts six enforcement mobilizations involving approximately 350 participating law enforcement personnel throughout the year. The mobilizations focus on seat belt, speed, and impaired driving enforcement. In addition, two one-day enforcement campaigns focus on distracted driving and on enforcing Minnesota's Ted Foss Move Over Law.
- Click it or Ticket: Occurs in April, May, and October
- Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over: Occurs in December and mid-August through early September
- Speed Enforcement: Occurs in June and July
- Distracted Driving: Occurs one day in mid-April
- Move Over: Occurs on August 31 (the anniversary of the date Trooper Ted Foss was killed as a result of a motorist not moving over for an emergency vehicle)
Research has consistently shown that enforcement efforts do not have a lasting effect on drivers' behavior if the majority of the public is unaware of them. Combining increased enforcement activity with adequate public awareness efforts can result in long-lasting improvements in driver behavior.
Law Enforcement Liaisons
Law enforcement liaisons (LELs) are a resource to local agencies on traffic enforcement programs and information. LELs are available to help with efforts to inform governing bodies of the importance of traffic safety, motivate officers, and contact the media.
The Department of Public Safety provides training for local law enforcement agencies for field sobriety, occupant protection, child passenger safety, commercial vehicles, and crash data collection.
Research and Statistics
- The Importance of Crash Data (MN Office of Traffic Safety)
- Minnesota Motor Vehicle Crash Facts
- Minnesota Impaired Driving Facts
- The Saved by the Belt program has helped create strong relationships between law enforcement agencies and communities since 1999 by honoring traffic crash survivors who were buckled up.