In Minnesota, three out of four child seats are used incorrectly, and many parents aren't aware of the restraint steps a child should progress through as they age and grow. A vehicle is the most dangerous place for children—and crashes are the leading killer of children under age 14
- Grandparents and Car Seat Safety (PDF) (NHTSA)
- Child Passenger Safety (Mn Office of Traffic Safety)
- The Ultimate Car Seat Guide (Safe Kids Worldwide)
- Seat belt Safety (BuckleUpMN)
- Educating about Heatstroke in Children: A Mother's Story (Safe Kids Grand Forks, 2022)
- Car Seat Safety (NHTSA/SaferCar TV, 2015)
- Traffic Safety Facts–Children, 2017 data (PDF) (NHTSA, May 2019)
- Child Seat Research (NHTSA)
- Injury Prevention and Control (CDC)
- Minnesota Child Passenger Laws (MN State Legislature)