TZD Emerging Leader Award

The Emerging Leader Award was established to recognize students who display leadership and excellence in increasing traffic safety awareness. Recipients have demonstrated creativity, vision, leadership, and organizational skills, as well as the ability to successfully motivate and influence their peers in efforts to move toward zero deaths on Minnesota roads. This award is not necessarily given each year.

2024 Nominations

Nominations for 2024 are currently closed. 

Winners will be notified in late August 2024, and the awards will be presented at the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Conference on October 22–23, 2024, in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

Nomination Guidelines

  • Nominees must be individuals or teams of individuals. Organizations cannot be nominated.
  • Nominees must be from the state of Minnesota.
  • You may submit more than one nomination.
  • Nominations should be based on work on a specific action or initiative.


View a list of recipients of the Emerging Leader Award.

More Information

Please contact Linda Dolan at or 612-625-4533.