Minnesotans want to feel safe and comfortable when bicycling, whether to meet everyday needs or enjoy the state's many resources.
Approximately eight bicyclists are killed annually—that's one bicyclist killed every six weeks. One in every fifty people killed in a motor vehicle crash is a bicyclist (based on 2015 to 2019 data).
Safety is a universal issue. Whether you walk, bike, or drive, everyone plays a role in keeping our roadways safe. Make responsible decisions, be alert, and have respect for each other. In addition, there are a variety of resources when planning streets that work for all people and modes of travel.
Tools & Guidance
- Bicycling in Minnesota (MnDOT)
- Safe Routes to School (MnDOT)
- Bicycle Safety (NHTSA))
- Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety (GHSA)
- Bike and Pedestrian Safety (Mn Office of Traffic Safety)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (FHWA)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety (USDOT)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (USDOT & University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center)
- Investigation of Pedestrian/Bicyclist Risk in Minnesota Roundabout Crossings (MnDOT, 2008)
- The Safety of Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel in Minnesota: Inventory, Analysis and Prospectus: Technical Summary (MnDOT, 2008)
Legislation in Minnesota
- Minnesota's bicycle laws (Mn Office of Traffic Safety)
- Minnesota bicycle statutes (Minnesota Legislature)
- The Minnesota Bicycling Handbook (Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota)
- 2011 Bicyclists & Other Cyclists Traffic Safety Fact Sheet (PDF) (NHTSA)