2019 Southwest Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Workshop
April 23, 2019
The 11th annual workshop was held Tuesday, April 23, 2019, in Granite Falls, MN. The event helps facilitate the program's goal of creating a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach to reducing traffic deaths and severe injuries.
Workshop Presentations
Setting the Direction for the Strategic Highway Safety Plan: Minnesota Needs YOU
TZD and Commercial Motor Vehicles: Bridging the Gap
- Capt. Jon Olsen, Minnesota State Patrol (PDF)
- Julie Whitcher, State Rail Safety Engineer, MnDOT Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicles (PDF)
The Teenage Brain and Risk Reduction: Connecting the Dots
Older Drivers Panel – How to address the Silver Tsunami
- Nichole L. Morris, Director, HumanFIRST Laboratory, University of Minnesota (PDF)
- Bret Thomas, Driver and Vehicle Services Regional Supervisor, Department of Public Safety (PDF)
Workshop Goals
- Encourage traffic safety as a priority for policymakers
- Provide a method to bring traffic safety programs into your community
- Spread successes of the Southeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program
- Network with other traffic safety advocates
Who Should Attend
- Community law enforcement
- Engineers
- Educators
- Emergency medical services
- Local policymakers
- Traffic safety advocates
Workshop Sponsors
- Minnesota Department of Public Safety
- Minnesota Department of Transportation District 8
- Southwest Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program
More Information
For questions about the workshop, please contact Melissa Hjelle, Southwest TZD Regional Coordinator, at melissa.hjelle@state.mn.us or 320-905-2319.