2025 Northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Workshop
Thursday, May 8, 2025
919 6th St. S.
Virginia, MN 55792
About the Workshop
This annual workshop helps facilitate Minnesota TZD's goal of creating a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach to reducing traffic deaths and severe injuries.
Download the draft agenda (PDF).
There is no cost to attend the workshop, but registration is required. Please register by April 24.
With registration questions, contact TZD staff at tzd@umn.edu.
Become an Exhibitor
There is no cost to exhibit at the workshop. To sign up, please register as a workshop attendee by April 24 and indicate that you would like to participate as an exhibitor. Contact TZD staff at tzd@umn.edu with any questions.
Workshop Goals
- Encourage traffic safety as a priority for policymakers
- Provide information on traffic safety issues in Northeast Minnesota
- Provide a method to bring traffic safety programs into your community
- Spread successes of the Northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program
- Network with other traffic safety advocates
Who Should Attend
Community law enforcement, engineers, educators, emergency medical services, local policymakers, tribal council leaders, judges, attorneys, and other traffic safety advocates.
Workshop Sponsors
- Northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program
- Minnesota Department of Public Safety
- Minnesota Department of Transportation, Office of Traffic Engineering and District 1
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Minnesota State Patrol
More Information
With questions, contact Rahya Geisler, Northeast Minnesota TZD Regional Coordinator, 218-830-1477 or rahya.geisler@state.mn.us.