2018 Northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Workshop
May 30, 2018
The eighth annual workshop was held May 30, 2018, in Grand Rapids, MN. The event helps facilitate the program's goal of creating a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach to reducing traffic deaths and severe injuries.
Workshop Presentations
Welcome and Northeast TZD Regional Highlights
15 Years of Minnesota TZD: Major Accomplishments and What the Future Holds
The Breakdown: Regional TZD Data
Bad Ethics, Bad Engineering
The Future of TZD: Early Activation
Drug Trends in Northeast Minnesota
Workshop Goals
- Encourage traffic safety as a priority for policymakers
- Provide a method to bring traffic safety programs into your community
- Spread successes of the Northeast Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths program
- Network with other traffic safety advocates
Who Should Attend
- Community law enforcement
- Engineers
- Educators
- Emergency medical services
- Local policymakers
- Traffic safety advocates