2020 Minnesota TZD Webinar Series: Meet the Manufacturers Day 2
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
About the Webinar
In this webinar, participants had another opportunity to meet more manufacturers and get additional updated product information. Our second panel of child restraint manufacturers, large and small, showcased their newest car seats, changes to established products, and the latest injury-prevention technology.
Webinar Recording & Materials
- Webinar recording
- Jerisha's presentation slides (PDF)
- Schlaepfer's presentation slides (PDF)
- Wall's presentation slides (PDF)
Diana Van Wormer, Child Passenger Safety Coordinator, Minneapolis Children’s Hospital

Tony Jerisha has been the advocate relations manager and lead CPS instructor at KidsEmbrace since January 2017. Tony retired as a captain with the Joliet, Illinois, Police Department in 2009 after 39 years of service. He became a CPS technician in April 1999 and a CPS instructor in June 2000. While serving with the Joliet Police Department, Tony supervised their CPS program, certifying over 100 sworn and non-sworn JPD personnel as CPS technicians. He began his career in the child seat manufacturing industry by serving on a product advisory committee for The First Years by Learning Curve Brands in 2008. Tony has served as the CPS advocate for The First Years by Learning Curve Brands (2009–2011) and as the CPS advocate for KiddyUSA (2012). From May 2012 until December 2016, Tony served as the CPS advocate specialist, a product trainer in the USA and Canada, and the lead CPS instructor for Recaro Child Safety. Tony is also a consultant with SmartRidr, Inc. Tony lives with his family in Joliet, Illinois.
Daniel Schlaepfer is the co-founder of WhizRider, a company founded by two jet-setting Swiss dads frustrated by the lack of safe and convenient ways to get their urban families from point A to point B. They found car-share car seats to be unreliable and pricey and, when traveling farther afield, discovered that lugging a car seat was far less than ideal for daily excursions. Inspired by both their professional and personal lifestyles, the founding dad duo developed the inventive restraint system solution, which quickly and easily clips onto any seatbelt. Dani is a certified CPS technician and an avid rock climber, which helped spark the idea that a harness could be just as safe and secure as a seat.

Bob Wall is the global car seat safety advocate at NUNA Baby. Bob is a nationally recognized public safety professional and has been a leader in the child passenger safety field for over 30 years, working tirelessly to create many local and national programs and resources for law enforcement, parents, and caregivers to get the word out about child passenger safety. Bob, along with a dedicated group of CPS advocates, came together over 25 years ago to develop and co-author the National Standardized CPS Curriculum that is still used today, with many updates as technology changes over the years, to certify CPS technicians nationwide! What started as a passion for Bob while working in law enforcement as a traffic safety specialist quickly became his life’s mission. Bob joined the NUNA team in 2012, prior to the company's first entry into the U.S. with the PIPA infant car seat and base with a load leg, one of the first of its kind in the U.S., and has been a major contributor to the entire NUNA car seat line since. He serves as a resource and educator on car seat safety for the NUNA team and others across the country.
More Information
For more information about the webinar, please contact Linda Dolan at ldolan@umn.edu.
The webinar was offered by the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program and the Minnesota Departments of Health, Public Safety, and Transportation, with funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The webinar was hosted by the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies and facilitated by the College of Continuing and Professional Studies.