TZD Traffic Safety Hotdish: Advanced Vehicle Technology and IIJA—Taking Traffic Safety to the Next Level
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
About the Event
This discussion featured experts from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Governors Highway Safety Association, and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety sharing information about emerging vehicle technology and the significant changes in traffic safety programming outlined in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Event Materials
- Watch the webinar recording
- Manning's presentation slides (PDF)
- Martin's presentation slides (PDF)
- Hanson's presentation slides (PDF)

Stephanie Manning, chief government affairs officer at Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), has specialized in traffic safety policy for more than 25 years. She has worked on policies related to both behavioral safety and vehicle safety, including the establishment of a national .08 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) standard and legislation to mandate advanced drunk driving prevention technology. Throughout her career, she has served as the director of federal affairs for MADD, a senior policy advisor for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and a transportation consultant.

Russ Martin is the senior director of policy and government relations for the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). He represents the state highway safety offices before federal agencies and Congress and works closely with partner organizations to improve road safety and promote GHSA objectives. Martin is a national expert on behavioral traffic safety issues and directs GHSA’s engagement on emerging vehicle technology. He manages the planning of the policy content of GHSA’s annual meetings and plans and serves as a faculty member for GHSA’s Executive Seminar for Program Management. Prior to joining GHSA, Martin was manager of state relations at AAA.

Mike Hanson serves as the director for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety–Office of Traffic Safety and is the designated Governor’s Highway Safety Representative for the State of Minnesota. Mike was appointed to his current position in October 2017. Prior to his appointment, Mike served with the Minnesota State Patrol, retiring in 2017 with nearly 35 years of law enforcement experience. During his tenure with the State Patrol, he worked in several areas of the state, including the Marshall, Mankato, Minneapolis, Detroit Lakes, and Thief River Falls Districts. Mike retired as the district commander for the West Metropolitan District. During his career, Mike specialized in several areas of service, including as a crash reconstruction specialist, DWI and SFST trainer/instructor, field training officer, Mobile Field Force co-commander, and an IACP leadership training facilitator. Mike is passionate about traffic safety issues and public safety services.
Attendees are eligible for 1.25 Professional Development Hours. Download the PDH form (DOCX) for your records.
More Information
For more information, please contact Linda Dolan at
This event was sponsored by the Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths Program and the Minnesota Departments of Health, Public Safety, and Transportation, with funding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It is hosted by the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies.