TZD can provide communities or events of any size with traffic safety education equipment. All items can be adjusted to meet the needs of your event. These presentations and interactive tools are great ways to engage students, youths, adults, employees, and even spectators or participants at community or corporate events such as:
- TZD presentations, Lunch and Learn presentations, or similar events (on topics such as distracted driving, seat belt/child passenger safety, impaired driving, speed, and others)
- Traffic Safety Station Day
- Child Passenger Safety events—Talking with employees or others about car seats and how to install them properly as well as answering any questions.
- Safety Town—A detailed interactive “mini city” that engages youth and adults alike!
To learn about all the tools available, download the traffic safety equipment overview (PDF).
The following one-page handouts describe individual tools and offer guidance for their use.
- Buckle-up stencil (PDF)
- Fatal vision goggles (PDF)
- Hands-free stencil (PDF)
- Roving vehicle speed feedback (VSF) signs (PDF)
- Safety Town on Wheels (PDF)
- School seat belt challenge (PDF)
- Seat belt convincer (PDF)
- Seat belt persuader (PDF)
- Voluntary preliminary breath testing (PDF)