ACTS Project Solicitation FAQs

Questions regarding the application and evaluation process for the ACTS project solicitation must be directed to Stephanie Malinoff at by 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Answers to questions that are not specific to an individual proposal will be posted on this web page within approximately three business days.

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Are coalitions that do not receive Safe Roads grant funding from the Office of Traffic Safety eligible to apply?

Yes, any traffic safety coalition, whether funded through OTS or not, is eligible to apply. 

Is an agency/organization able to submit more than one application? If so, should the applications be submitted separately or grouped together, even if they are slightly different?

Yes, an applicant is able to submit more than one application. If the applications are for different projects, please submit separate applications.

Although my specific organization is not a member of ACTS, we are part of an organization represented with a membership seat on the Advisory Council on Traffic Safety. Are we eligible to apply?

Yes, assuming the project focuses on improving traffic safety within the State of Minnesota. For example, any Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) doing traffic safety work in Minnesota is eligible to apply because there is an ACTS member representing MPOs. Likewise, any city doing traffic safety work in the state that is a member of the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), or has staff who are members of the City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM), would be eligible to apply because there is an ACTS member representing LMC and CEAM. Contact Stephanie Malinoff ( if you want to confirm eligibility for your specific organization.

Do partner organizations need to be ACTS members, traffic safety coalitions, or TZD-affiliated staff?

No. Only lead organizations need to meet the eligibility requirement of being an ACTS member organization, traffic safety coalition, or TZD-affiliated staff.

Do projects have to focus on topics listed in the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) or the Minnesota Triennial Highway Safety Plan (HSP) FFY24-FFY26, including the Annual Grant Application?

No. As long as the proposer demonstrates how the work would improve traffic safety on Minnesota roadways, the project/topic does not have to be specifically mentioned in the SHSP or the HSP. Projects will be scored on the selection criteria noted in the solicitation.